What Is Reiki?
Is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that boosts the immune system and
enhances the body’s natural ability to heal. Reiki works on the body, mind, and spirit by
stimulating a person’s own natural healing abilities. The blocked emotional and physical
elements that lead to illness and disease are cleared.
Reiki Benefits
- Reduces depression and anxiety by changing your mood.
- Helps to bring balance to the body.
- Boost the immune system.
- Helps with the grieving process.
- Calms the mind.
- Boost intuition and creativity.
- Enables emotional clarity and spiritual growth.
The Reaction That You Can Experience
- A sensation of heat
- A sensation of cold
- Past life flashes
- Involuntary movements
- Fall asleep
- Itchiness
- Emotional responses
- Rumbling stomach
- Memory flashes
- Pins and needles
Each Session Includes
- Aromatherapy (we use 100 % pure essential oils)
- Sound healing (while you are receiving the reiki)
- Session can be from 30 to 60 minutes
- The application of crystals or gemstones to help healing.
"Our sorrow and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion"
– Buddha